Monday, June 25, 2007

T13Shoppe Script 1

Episode One "Fueling Around"
Click on this link to hear the beginning story of the T13Shoppe and listen to see how you might have reacted differently or solved their problem in a unique way. Enter your suggestions into the post. If you wish to be entered into our monthly iPod content please send your contact info to


Anonymous said...

I have a comment

They have to decide if the products they are selling that use this distribution method are really adding value

Anonymous said...

Well the first thing I would suggest is to have them break down all of their product groups and define each shipping method. From there you may uncover a way to combine their existing distribution and shipping of their combined offerings

NICC said...

YOu could have a link on the bottom of the order form that would llow the purchaser to select if they would like to save money by selecting a outside provider for transportation of their product. Every company can do one or two things very well but not all things well. If there is a way to use a professional transportation company, this is what they do well. T13 can concentrate on their products but still get it to their customers in a timely and affordable method. YOu could start by offering this to your customers as a choice. If it is successful, you can concentrate on the production of your product and allow the transportation firm to deliver your great product. If it is not successful (this would be measured by the number of items your company would ship vs the outside firm) then a decision can be made whether to use an outside company or continue delivery from your company.

lwick said...

Kudos to nicc on using the order form to collect data.

You need to involve the stakeholders in the company to determine what the real "flexibility" of using the internal fleet is to learn the real importance of that as a first step in analysis

Anonymous said...

Have they surveyed their existing customers to see if there was a delay in their shipments what the impact might be? Maybe if they helped manage customer expectations, they could use another shipping method